Water Well Pumps Services

Low Pressure Problems? Let us walk you through some of the most common scenarios we see in-regards to water well services and repairs. In Alberta we measure pressure in Pounds Per Sq Inch also known as PSI. When it comes to measuring pressure, a pressure gauge lets us know the Pounds Per Sq Inch (PSI) …

Water Quality

Quality Water as defined by the USGS, is as follows “Quality can be thought of as a measure of the suitability of water for a particular use based on selected physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.”. This is why we believe in testing your water quality before we recommend a water treatment system for your home. Our …

Heavy Duty Lead Filtration System

Here at West Country Pump, we are proud to be a Pentair True Blue Partner. We work with the Top Industry Leaders in Water Treatment Products to deliver our customers the top-of-the-line equipment with great local services. Today we would like to feature the Heavy-Duty Lead Filtration Water Treatment System. Over the years municipalities are coming out …

Water Well Pumps Services

Low Pressure Problems? Let us walk you through some of the most common scenarios we see in-regards to water well services and repairs. In Alberta we measure pressure in Pounds Per Sq Inch also known as PSI. When it comes to measuring pressure, a pressure gauge lets us know the Pounds Per Sq Inch (PSI) …

Iron Bacteria in Water

Iron Bacteria: Educating you on What’s in Your Water In Alberta approximately 400,000-450,000 people rely on private water wells for their daily water usage for their households. When it comes to private water wells it is up to the property owner to test their water regularly to check for contaminants. This should be done on …

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